The moon turns perfect round on the day after mid-autumn day.

At the night of September 28 (lunar August 16), the members of ESSEC CHINE gathered together at the foot of the Eiffel Tower and had a picnic alongside the Seine. A lot of new ESSECers and senior students came to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival together. After tasting the moon cakes made by senior students, we enjoyed the gold full moon, chatting a lot. For most of the new ESSECers, it’s the first time to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival at a foreign country. Although we can’t have the reunion with our family, but this Mid-Autumnthat we passed together in Paris will surely be memorable.

We are also quite lucky to witness the pink Eiffel Tower, with the purpose of breast cancer awareness. Along with the spirited music, we admired the Eiffel Tower with diverse amazing lighting and enjoyed the beautiful Paris.

NextMid-Autumn Festival, where will you be?

Mid-autumn Picnic



ESSEC CHINE中秋塞纳河畔野餐追月


9月28日(农历八月十六日)晚,ESSEC CHINE在塞纳河畔,埃菲尔铁塔下的德罗卡德罗花园举办了中秋野餐会。众多新生与历届学长学姐都悉数到场,共庆这个中国传统佳节。大家品尝了学长学姐们前一天在家亲手制作的鲜肉月饼,共赏金黄的圆月,闲话家常。对于大多数2015级新生来说,这是第一个在异国度过的中秋。虽然离开了家人的陪伴,但与好友们在他乡一起共度的这个中秋必将成为难忘的回忆。


